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Dr. Marcus Howard is a renowned visionary, award-winning author, coach, national speaker, creator of The Entrepreneur's Dictionary, founder of Leg-i-See Christian University, Board Certified Counselor, Board Certified Trainer, and past TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network) host that is determined to make his mark for the Kingdom of God. He has a tremendous anointing on his life to meet people where they are regardless of their background or the setting he finds himself speaking.


His unique ability to empower others to Control Outcomes And Create harmony in every area of life, has caused Marcus Howard to quickly become America's top Head C.O.A.C.H.


He has been known to be a creative innovator, challenging the notions of tradition by focusing on relevancy rather than routine and doing Kingdom business in a new vision way. He has a bold and candid delivery and willingness to talk about the tough subjects using unconventional methods.


Humble, hungry and driven by his passion to give back and serve others, Pastor Marcus continues to press forward to help others break the chains holding back their possibilities. He is determined to help your mind to S.E.E. (Self Encouraged Elevation). With over 20 years of public speaking, over 15 years of community and corporate leadership, he is well-respected among his colleagues, mentors and vision partners for his commitment to accuracy and ability to motivate everyone from church, to school, to Corporate America.


Move your business, ministry, or community organization by utilizing the motivational gifts of Marcus Howard.  Often, all an organization needs to move forward is excellent outside motivation.



Wife & Speaker

Angela aka Lady "A" has a gift for seeing the potential in others and helping to get that potential working.  She has an unwavering spirit of giving.  She is anointed to pray for individuals and organizations/companies for maintained increase.  



Tel: 918-815-2780

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