Dr. Howard is a Board Certified Counselor who has been certified to train and certify other counselors through the National Association of Christian Counselors.
His approach and methods of counseling are unique to his character and lead the client to a holistic reconciliation with self, others, and GOD. His distinctive techniques also allow the client to leave feeling secure and informed. Areas of concentration are:
Couple (pre-marriage and marital)
A definition of Mental Health from a Faith perspective:
Mental health, from a Christian perspective, is a state of dynamic equilibrium characterized by hope, joy and peace in which positive self-regard is developed through love, relationship, forgiveness, meaning and purpose, resulting from a vital relationship with Jesus Christ and a responsible interdependence with others.
What is Faith-Based Counseling:
Combines human observation, human wisdom, and the wisdom of the Bible to construct a system of counsel to help man deal with his issues in life. This is often called “Christian Counseling.” This type of counseling is generally practiced by Christians who believes that the Bible should be supplemented with psychological theories to help people.
What makes Faith-Based counseling unique?
Psychologically sound, scripturally congruent and Holy Spirit directed.
Core issues and goals addressed in Faith-Based counseling:
Discovering and analyzing the foundation of issues and concerns
Exploring personal issues, purpose, significance & longings.
Establishing a meaningful relationship with God & with others.
Developing biblical & healthy self-worth, thinking, choices and behavior.
Experiencing a wholesome emotional state
Let Marcus give you the edge and motivation you need to move beyond the next level. Book him now and watch the results it brings.